Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Journal
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Summary of the Opening Talk of the Round Table Discussion
Bachvarova E.
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Articles of this issue
Assessment and analysis of heat provision vulnerability in the main wine-producing region of Armenia (Ararat valley and foot-hill area) within the context of expected climate change
Evaluation of the influence of climate change on the productivity of millet in the central part of Ukraine
Evaluation of influence of irrigation using the resources of donor river (the Dniester) on characteristics of the annual water runoff of the Baraboy River
Description of artificial reservoirs within the catchment area of the Great Kuyalnik river and regulation of their operation at the present time and in future
Influence of long-term donor irrigation on quality of underground water in the South-steppe zone of Ukraine (case of the Baraboy River, Odessa region)
The model of eutrophication of marine and estuarine ecosystems in the northwest Black Sea region
Hydrological factors of formation of oxygen regime of inland seas
Evaluation of the extent of favourableness of the territory of the Оdesa region for placement of solid household waste landfills
Main sources of unintentional production of persistent organic pollutants (the case of Оdesa)
Normal law of distribution of wind velocity vector in polar coordinates
Hydrodynamic instability in the cold-core low area and its effect on the weather
Discomfort of weather conditions during winter period in Ukraine
Current state and tendencies of distribution of ground frosts within the territiry of Ukraine
Analysis of climate change in Dnipropetrovsk region
Development of the methodology of estimating of agricultural crop yield potential with consideration of climate and agrophytotechnology impac
Impact of climat changes on agro-climatic indices of the vegetative period of main agricultural crops
Modeling of sunflower’s productivity under future climate changes in Ukraine considering the scenarios of RCP antropogenic impact
Altitude and zonal regularities and agro-ecological estimation of bioclimatic rhythms in Armenia
Scientific and methodological base for calculation of rain and spring floods maximum runoff
Evaluation of future trends of characteristics change of hydrological regime of rivers of the Southern Buh basin in the winter period
Оцінка майбутніх тенденцій змін характеристик гідрологічного режиму річок басейну Південного Бугу в зимовий період
To substantiate measures aimed at prevention of siltation of supply and transport channels in the Danube lakes (study of hydraulic and alluvial regimes)
Results of the numerical modelling of intra-annual variability of hydrological characteristics of the Kuialnytskyi lyman lagoon under various runoff volumes of the Velykyi Kuialnyk river
Solution of First all-Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Convention
On the state and prospects of higher hydrometeorological education in Ukraine: lessons and sugestions
Brief overview of meteorological research in the late XX – early XXI century in Ukraine
Problems and prospects of climatology development in Ukraine
Statiatical structure of the fields of geopotential heights of 850 HPA pressure level in the western sector of the southern hemisphere
Spatial and temporal identification of baric systens in low troposphere and midtroposphere
Technologies of making meteorological weather forecasts implemented in the Hydrometeorological Department of the Respublic of Belarus
Convective phenomena forecasting based on output data of numerical models available in the Hydrometeorological Centre of the Republic of Belarus
Monitoring the solar energy resources of Ukraine
Agrometeorological research in Ukraine
Agroclimatic zoning of the northern grain-producing territory of Kazakhstan
Odessa scientific cluster for oceanographic research: current state and prospects
Hydrological science in universities and perspectives of its further development in Ukraine
Odessa scientific cluster for oceanographic research: current state and prospects
2007 №02
2016 №18
Influence of macrostructure of the hydrometeors on a radar measurement of polarization-doppler weather radars
Development of general structure of atmosphere radiosounding system in Ukraine
Possible impacts of temperature changes on recreational and tourist activities in Ukraine’s regions
An assessment of spatiotemporal distribution of drought in Transcarpathian region during the nearest perspective until 2050
The digitizing algorithm for precipitation in the atmosphere on the base of radar measurements
On structure of dynamic features of the lower layer of the atmosphere at low cloudiness
Impact of climate change on quantity and area of forest fires in the northern part of the black sea region of Ukraine
Photosynthetic productivity of spring barley under conditions of climate changes
Radiation-and-temperature resources of the steppe zone in Ukraine under the climate change conditions in the period of up to 2050
The dynamics of berries quality indicators of technical kinds of grapes during a ripening period
Assessment of heat supply of vegetation period within the northern grain-seeding territory of Kazakhstan
Influence of forestry in the south of Ukraine on carbon dioxide control in the atmosphere
Assessment of water resources change of the Danube river in the XXI century under the scenario A1B using the model “Сlimate-Runoff”
Development of a calculation method for the suspended load in rivers of upper and central Dniester
Change of hydrological and morphometric characteristics of Kuyalnik liman after inflow of seawater
Results of calculation of wave-wind water dynamics at the Tiligul estuary
2010 №6
The analysis of factors of total ozone amount monthly mean values interannual changes simulation errors over West and Central Europe with regard to its unstationarity and multimodality
Ecological aspects of active influences on atmospheric processes
Some aspects of agrarian loading of Chernigov Region and its influence on ecological stability of soil against degradation
Speed of wind are in the layer of vegetation
The statistical structure of total maintenance ozone fields in atmosphere of the western sector of South hemisphere
Peculiarities of statistic of atmospheric pressure over a period of the second half of 20 century at left-bank Ukraine
Global mechanisms in atmosphere models and balance of the Earth moment — results
Two-component antenna of elliptic polarization for Meteorological Radio-locator with effect of Doppler
Space -temporal distribution of total solar radiation in south-west part of the Ukraine
Mutual spectral analysis of global climatic indices and surface air temperature stations in Antarctica
Statistical researches of cases of a heavy rain on territory of western Ukraine
Sun activity and temporal variability of climate
Numerical modelling of the convective cell behind a cold front: The moisture and heat fluxes
Calculation of available potential energy based on mesoscale atmospheric model WRF-ARW data
Dynamic model of forming of amount and quality of harvest of vegetable cultures
Theoretical method of determination is growth of functions of organs of plants
Influence of terms of sowing on growth, development and forming of productivity of sugar beet
A dynamic model of the water regime of agricultural crops
The dynamic of photosynthesis development of millet
Division into districts of basin of the top Dnestr on character of fluctuations of the river runoff on the basis of data clustering
The meteorological factor to dilute pollution as the parameter of potential of pollution of the atmosphere.
The long-term forecasts of characteristics of spring floods in the basin of r.Seversky Donets
Method of agroecological estimation of primary biological production radioactive contamination.
Estimation of shortwave reflected solar radiation fluxes on the top of atmosphere using the data of the radiometer AVHRR on NOAA satellites.
Quantitative description of European climate change during second half of XX century.
The estimation of systematic error in the MM5 model with different parameterization schemes.
Changeability of extreme values and events of climatic characteristics of East Siberia.
Modelling of influence of changes of a climate on agroclimatic conditions of cultivation and photosynthetic productivity of a winter wheat in Ukraine.
Agroclimatic estimation and zoning of light frost indices on the territory of the Odessa region.
Radiating factors and efficiency of vegetable cultures
Changes of climate and his influence on hydraulicity the river of Ukraine
Definition of the module of elasticity of natural marsh vegetation in natural conditions
Substantiation of strategy of development of water-economic scales transformations on the territory of Low Podneproviya under conditions of global warming-up
2006 №1
2008 №3
2009 №4
2009 №5
2010 №7
2016 №17
Features of duration of a vegetative period and a period of active vegetation on the territory of Ukraine (tendencies of change that are caused global warming).
Estimation of agroclimatic resources of formation of efficiency of string barley in Ukraine.
Influence of agrometeorological terms on development of fitoftora and its damaging influence on productivity of potato.
Period sowing-shoots of plants and biological time. Results of computations.
Research of structure and parameters of reduction formulas.
Modeling of the wind waves transformation on the beach zone under the different variants of the wavebreaker reconstruction
Features of hydrological structure of waters of slope of north-western shelf of the Black sea are in September, 2008
The quadrant analysis of sea-bottom deformation
The features of the Pacific hydrometeorological fields in connection with El Nino events
Interconnection of sea ice concentration of north hemisphere with index Gulf-stream
The circulation peculiarity in the region between Africa and Antarctic continent.
About the connection of the atmospheric pressure and temperatures of water in the western part of Black sea.
A K-GDM model of calculation of concentration is in atmospheric air of harmful matters which are contained in the troop landings of industrial enterprises. S.N. Stepanenko, V.G. Voloshin.
Modelling of distribution of polluting substances on water area of Yalpug-Kugurluy lakes.
Generalized dynamical stochastic model of global cycle of the carbon: long-tern forecast of adaptation for system of ocean-atmosphere at an anthropogenic action
Influence of relief of earthly surface on the level of contamination of atmospheric air the troop landings of industrial sources
Complex estimation of quality of waters on different methods and the ways of its perfection
Spatial distribution of precipitation anomalies in Ukraine in 2011-2025
Global mechanisms in atmosphere models and balance of the Earth moment
Features of change of the monthly sums of an atmospheric precipitation in territory of the Odessa area during the XX-th century
Analysis of function of density of distributing of concentration in models Gaussian of dispersion of admixtures in atmosphere.
The decision of the equation of turbulent diffusion for the stationary point source
New possibilities in reception of digital satellite information using EUMETCast system.
The influence of wind direction and wind speed on the atmosphere pollution level in Kiev city.
Identification of clouds and precipitations on their polarizing parameters
Method of calculation tensely – the deformed state of bar framework shelter.
Relationship between Southern Oscillation Index and global temperature anomalies: nonlinear approach.
Determination of a stable transition date of air temperature over a fixed value (analysis of methods).
Recreational potential of Northern Caucasus.
Dynamic model of germination of seeds and formations of grain crops shoots.
The character of hydrodynamic and thermobaric structure of low troposphere during tornado’s rising above southern Ukraine
Dynamics of temperature of air of the off-shore stations of Antarctica and Antarctic Peninsula
Spatio-temporal structure of anomalies of the field of precipitations at blocking of zonal transfer
Simulation of influence of CO2 concentration increase in an atmosphere on green leaf photosynthesis
Estimation of agro climatic resources of Ukraine as it applies to growing of cabbage of white-haired
Optimization of structure of sowings of agricultural crops in Ukraine taking into account agroclimatic resources
Rotor of the biological time field of plants and electromagnetic theory of Maxwell
Modelling of influence of agrometerological conditions on process of seed germination of the winter wheat
Influence of agrometeorologicheskih terms on photosynthesis productivity of sugar beet
Soil and сlimatic resources of till of millet in Ukraine
The analysis of normative-calculating base, working in Ukraine, in the field of the maximal runoff of floods
Individual development of plants and processes of biological time.
Agriclimatic division on districts of Ukraine
The agroclimatic estimation of moisture-provided conditions of the main grain crops in Ukraine.
Comparative agroclimatic estimation of bioclimatic potential of territories of Kiev and Zaporozhian regions taking into account microclimate.
Management of hydroecological regimen of Dofinovka estuary.
An evaluation of underground runoff of Mountainaus Crimea rivers with using of hydrometric data
Analysis of structure and parameters of formulas of maximum intensity.
The assessment of the influence of North Atlantic atmospheric process on annual runoff in Ukraine.
A multi-factor systems and multi-fractal approaches in modelling the mean monthly discharges on the example of the Danube river
Long-term variability of a climate and water regime of the rivers of Podol
Application of imitating stochastic model of an annual runoff to an estimation of a condition of water resources Low Podneproviya in the conditions of water economic activities
Designing of flood hydrograph on wades of Algeria
Application of integral analysis for improvement of statistical estimations for time series of spring high water (by the example of the left-bank tributaries of the Dnieper)
Account of the maximal runoff of floods on the wades of Algeria with use of the formula of limiting intensity.
Discharge on sluicion as expenditure component of water balances of Dniepr’s water-storages.
Estimation of exactness of calculations of floods flow hydrographs by the method of water balances and model of kinematics wave.
The modeling of the water dynamic on the beach zone under the different wave-wind conditions.
Statistical estimation of budget of alluviums of the Kerch bay area and brought of approach channel of Kerch marine auction port (КМAP).
Change of river stream structure at the seaside under changes in depth and intensity of salt water confluence.
Fractal of the river systems Southern Bug and Dniester
Particular solution of Saint -Venant equation for an area of stream with the zero slope of water surface
Characteristics of long-term upwelling and its long-period changes in Odessa.
Methods of mastering of the archival information in dynamic models of the sea.
Dynamics of concentration of sea ice of north hemisphere for 1870-2007 period.
Change of river stream structure at the seaside under changes in depth and intensity of salt water confluence.
Estimation of quality of sea waters of the Crimean region.
The efficiency and problems of rating-type and credit-modular systems for estimation of the level of knowledge in education area.
Development and prospects of introduction of information system «AlmaMater» for management of educational process in OSENU.
Aerosols dynamics in the atmosphere over Eastern Europe by means of AERONET according to weather conditions during summer 2010
Soil quality assessment based on reaction of soil solution and content of heavy metals in the southern part of Оdessa region
Calculation of wind speed in the 300-meter lower layer of the atmosphere based on the meteorological observations taking account of temperature stratification and surface roughness
Changes of weather conditions in Ukraine under climate changes
Circulation conditions of strong and elemental wind over southwestern Ukraine
Peculiarities of homogeneous areas distribution within the fields of hydrometeorological characteristics in the Northern Pacific during the cold season
Current distribution of wind in Morocco
Characteristic of radiation and thermal resources in Ukraine for the period up to 2050 under conditions of climate change
Effect of forestry of the southern Ukraine on the regulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
Evaluation of climate change influence on agroclimatic conditions of sunflower growing in Ukraine
Assessment of changes of agro-climatic conditions for cultivation of millet in the southern regions of Ukraine resulted from climate change
Modelling of grains’ shoots formation
Water resources of Ukraine in the XXI century under climate change scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5)
Water quality estimation at the gauge station of the Ingulets river, town of Snigurivka, by hydrochemical parameters
Results of the numerical modelling of intra-annual variability of characteristics of the hydrological regime of the Kuyalnik liman lagoon
2011 №8
2015 №16
Air pollution by nitrogen dioxide in Kiev city
Towards theoretical modeling of the sand dunes motion
Review of fundamental nuclear-geophysical researches in OSENU: I. standard beta decay theory elements and new cooperative electron-β-nuclear spectroscopy
Verification of numerical simulation of suspended matter distribution under marine dumping process
Analysis and forecast of the environmental radioactivity dynamics based on methods of chaos theory: General scheme and some application
New geography-mathematic approaches in the tasks of design of distribution of harmful admixtures in an atmosphere
Calculation of precipitation during period of catastrophic flood 21-27 july 2008 in Ukrainian Carpathians
Universal families of Johnson distributions and their use for analysis of time series of surface wind speed
The function of the turbulent energy dissipation in the atmospheric surface layer
Future climate change and it’s impact on precipitation and temperature in Ukraine
The earth angle moment balance, low-frequency atmospheric processes and radiowaveguides: II. Application of an advanced non-stationary theory for different forms of atmosphere circulation
Meteorological service for civil defense tasks
Thermal resources of Ukraine in the conditions of climate change
Agricultural plant residues in the Odessa oblast: Perspectives for biogas production
Modified climate influence on rates development of spring barley in Ukraine
Evaluation of the production process of potato in a changing climate in the eastern and western forest-steppe
Influence of climatic changes on mode of moistening of vegetation period in Ukraine
Modelling greenhouse gas emission from organic soils (PEAT-GHG-MODEL)
Main tendencies of climate factors changes within Kuyalnik Liman drainage basin
Assessment of Hadzhibeysky estuary and forecasting possible water level in it
Development of calculated and normative framework in the field of maximum runoff of rain and spring flood: Problems and possible solutions
Wavelet and multifractal analysis of the nonlinear structures in chaotic processes for hydroecological systems
Water balance systems of lakes Yalpuh – Kugurluy (in the period 2006-2014 yy.)
Modelling and forecasting the hydroecological systems pollution dynamics by using a chaos theory methods: II. Advanced chaos data on pollution of the Small Carpathians river’s watersheds
Impact of climate changes on water resources of Kuialnyk Liman catchment in scenario climate conditions
Calculation of water balance China Lake (between 2008-2014)
Current situation of water quality Dniester river basin in transboundary areas
Determination of constituents receipt Kakhovka Reservoir water balance
Physical fundamental of layered structure stability of river-sea region (on the example of the Kola Bay)
Estimation of the influence of water exchange with the sea conditions on the water level and salinity variability in the Tyligulskyi Liman lagoon
The distribution of biogenic substances in waters of the North Atlantic
2014 №15
Assessment of air pollution level of formaldehyde and trends of it changes in the cities of Ukraine
Forecasting chaotic processes in hydroecological systems on the basis of attractors conception and neural networks approach: Application
Air pollution field structure in the industrial city’s atmosphere: New data on stochasticity and chaos effects
On application of the neural network modelling to problems of applied ecology and hydrometeorology
Analysis and forecast of the anthropogenic impact on industrial city’s atmosphere based on methods of chaos theory: New general scheme
Low–level jets in the presence of surface weak winds
Influence of North Atlantic Oscillation on droughts in Ukraine in conditions of modern climate change
Schemes of energy conversion in blocking anticyclone
Modelling balance of the earth angle moment, atmospheric processes and radiowaveguides: Advanced non-stationary theory
Enhancement of possibilities for synoptic analysis by using the Ukrainian forecaster workstation (version 7.07)
Analysis of the fractal structures in turbulent processes
Intercommunications features of El Niño-Southern Oscillation with the total ozone in the Southern Hemisphere western sector
Metodological aspects for agroclimatic zoning of territories with inhomogeneity underlying surface
Agroclimatic assessment of moistening the territory of Ukraine
Complex evaluation and zoning of the thermal soil resources’ indexes in Odessa region
Influence of agrometeorological conditions on the photosynthetic productivity of soya
Modeling of winter wheat yield in the steppe zone of Ukraine using vegetation indices
The deficiencies of water quality classification according DSTU 4808.2007 and way of their elimination
Estimate external water exchange in Kremenchug and Kakhovka reservoirs
Generalized dependence between hydrometeorological characteristics Kakhovka reservoir
Impact of climate change on water resources of Ukraine in present and future conditions (under scenarios of global warming А1В)
Evaluation of surface water flow rare probability of exceedance to the Khadzhibey Estuary
Нydroenergetic potential of the iributary rivers of Vinnytsia region
Chaos-geometrical approach in modelling the temporal fluctuations of the pollution substances concentrations in a river water
Estimate of statistical characteristics for rivers of the Dniester-Prut interfluves
Improving the regulatory framework for determining the design characteristics of maximum runoff within the Black Sea Lowland
Modeling of the spatial variability of the suspended matter concentration and wave parameters in the coastal zone of the Louzanovka beach near the Kuialnyk estuary
Evaluation circulation features of the Black Sea on climate data
Long-term variability in intensity of the Pacific subtropical anticyclones gears
Atmospheric pollutants concentrations temporal dynamics for the industrial Ukrainian cities
Chaos-geometric analysis of time series of concentrations of sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere of the industrial city (on example of the Gdansk region)
Kinetic cooling of an atmosphere in laser radiation effect on mixture of the atmospheric gases
Chaos theory methods in modelling the annual runoff (the Danube river)
2014 №14
Formaldehyde concentrations in ambient air in Kyiv city
Soil and vegetative cover as an index of heavy metal air pollution
Scales of the surface and atmosphere boundary layers
Variability characteristics of snow cover on the meteorological station Slavs’ke over 1990-2010 years
Using of vegetation indices for drought monitoring in Ukraine
Climate zoning of monthly air temperature in the North Pacific during winter
Integral transfers of different types of energy in the period of atmospheric processes blocking
Features of the thermal regime of 2013 in Ukraine
The change of parameters of the thermal regime of air in Ukraine for the period until 2030
The dynamic model of winter hardiness formation by the plants of winter wheat in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine
Modeling of climate change influence to productivity of technical grapes varieties in the in the northern Black Sea region
Probability model of damage frost on grapes different varieties in the Odessa region
The theoretical basis for the calculation of the characteristics of the maximum flow of the small rivers
Determination of water losses due to evaporation from the reservoir for the generalized formula
Evaluation of natural water resources of Tyligul lagoon basin on meteorological data
Grounding methodology for calculating of the maximum flow characteristics of the spring and rain floods in the basin Hadzibeevsky estuary
Assessment of water quality of the Southern Bug in the point Vinnytsya city on the indicators oxidability
Using of eventual-difference charts for the design of the unset turbulent diffusion of dredge in a water-course
Clarifying of normal annual runoff and characteristic periods its changes on the Zhytomyr region’s rivers
Deficit a saturated water vapor and evaporation from the water surface Kakhovka reservoir
Scientific – methodological basis for the determining of the duration the slope influx during rain floods and spring floods
Conditions of formation of the dominant groups in bacterial coenoses winter plankton in the Pechora Sea example
Climatic variability of the Black Sea density structure
On certain structural – dynamic features of anticyclones vortices in North-Western part of the Black Sea continental slope
2013 №13
Analysis and forecast of anthropogenic impact on air basin of industrial city on basis of a chaos theory: Conception of Lyapunov’s dimensions
Assessment of air pollution in the city Nikolaev
Relative contribution of emissions by some companies in the formation of air pollution level of a city
Chaos-geometric analysis of time series of concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere of the industrial city (on example of the Gdansk region)
Creation of natural medicinal resources cadaster in environmental monitoring system
Determination of optimum level mode for saving and restoring wetlands ” Kartal Lake “
A multi-fractal analysis of temporal sets for the Arctic, Antarctic and Southern oscillation indexes
Interannual variability in the concentration of beryllium-7 (7Be) in the surface layer of the atmosphere in a tropical climate
Regional climate change in the Transcarpathian area
Current trends of climate change in Minsk
Climatic conditions cultivation of tomatoes in Ukraine
Forecasting chaotic processes in hydrological and hydroecological systems on the basis of attractor conception and neural networks approach
Clarification of calculation of modules rain flood in the South Ukraine rivers
Determination of the main factors of spring flood on the left bank of the Dnieper river in long-term forecasts of its characteristics
The generalized formula for the definition of dehydrating by evaporation from the Kakhovka reservoir
Aggregate estimates of evaporation from the water surface of the Kremenchug reservoir
Peculiarities of the modern hydrological and hydrochemical regime of Kuyalnik liman and predictive estimation of its components under conditions of its replenishment with sea and fresh waters
Some approaches of beforehand assessment of spring flood at Pripyat – Mozyr
Character of changes of the water mode and repetition of floods in cold and warm periods of year in river basin of Tisza (within Ukraine)
Environmental condition description and water quality estimation of lower part of the Dniester estuary
The estimation of long-term and annual distribution of temperature and evaporation from the water surface of the Kakhovka reservoir in the conditions of change of climate
The redistribution of runoff on the branches of the Danube Delta in terms of the existence of navigation channels
Mode of biogene and organic substances of the small rivers of Chernivtsi sity
Formulation and analysis of a model of temperature effects on the bioproduction potential of phytocenosis components in aquatic ecosystems
Pacific monsoon
Features of temperature regime in shallow waters (the case of Dofinovsky estuary), compared with the sea coast of Odessa
The freshet nature of the formation of the surface water circulation of the Black Sea
Inter-annual variability of the a biotic characteristics and oil pollution of the Odessa region north-west of the Black Sea
Water dynamics in the coastal zone of the Odessa region north-west of the Black Sea
2013 №12
Numerical prognosis of three-dimensional distribution of meteorological and turbulent variables
Renorm-group and fractal approach to turbulence spectrum in planetary atmosphere system, “cosmic plasma – galactic cosmic rays”
Integrated multi-scale models of interacting urban meteorology/climate and air quality: outcomes from Megapoli
Analysis of the conditions of low cloudiness over the Barents Sea
Estimation of influence of relief changeability on thermal balance of mountain slope
The evaluation of urban heat island characteristics over Odessa
Some aspects of research of features, changeability and extremality of the climate in the aspect of region (illustrated by research of certain characteristics of moistening for the Ural region)
To the problem of modelling of low-level jets
Airborne risk, regional vulnerability and possible accidental consequences from nuclear sites in the European Arctic and Sub-Arctic
Mezoscale changeability of ozone concentration in the surface layer in the Tomsk region (2010-2012)
Influence of macrocirculation processes on transfer of seawater aerosol in the internal areas of East Antarctica
The universal iterative method of clusterization data
Features teleсonneсtion surface temperature between tropical and high latitudes in the western sector of southern hemisphere
Autumn low jet over the Northwest Black Sea Coast
The research of heat waves of summer period, which observed in Kiev during 1911–2010
Estimation of statistical characteristics of the wind regime in the station Yuzhny-port and Ilyichevsk-port
Major trends in agro-climatic conditions of winter wheat growing in the Ukrainian part of the sub-basin of the Danube Delta
Agro-climatic conditions for growing spring barley in the Ukrainian part of the sub-basin of the Danube Delta in a changing climate
Metodological approaches for differently scaled agroclimatic zoning of territories
About relationship between circulation intensity in the Black sea and the wind field vorticity
2012 №11
Ranking of Odessa Region districts by technogenic load on the air
Accounting of temporary changeability of the composition and properties of waters in the assessment of their quality according to the sanitary norms by the example of r.Dniester-s.Beliaevka.
Complex seaside observations of Kiliya part of the Danude delta in 2011-2012 years.
Recommendations for improvement (classification) of household water quality according to standards on the example of the Danube River at Vilkove.
Digital matched filters investigation for system of informant monitoring
Analyse of Calman filter relatively for renewing of izogips for digital relief maps construction.
Calman filter for reconstruction for isohypses reconstruction in maps of digital relief creation
Method of computation of the ground temperature based on the standard meteorological observations.
The results of the numerical simulation of frontogenesis and heavy precipitation.
Forecast verification of monthly temperature from ENSEMBLES models
The heat waves main methodological problems, which appears during the research
On the experience of use of the regional numerical weather forecast models for Ukraine in UkrNIGMI.
Vertical distribution of atmospheric energetics during the blocking process
Spatiotemporal variability of drought in the East Europe in the context of global climate change
Estimation of influence of change of climate on macroclimatic recourse and productivity of winter wheat in Lugansk Region.
The Influence of Agrometeorological Condions on Grape Wintering in Odessa Region.
Effect of agro-climatic conditions on the productivity of maize under climate change in the east steppe of Ukraine
The influence of weather conditions on productivity of eggplants in the steppe zone of Ukraine
Agrometeorological productivity assessment of non-irrigated and irrigated Lucerne in Odessa Province
Modeling of influence of different terms of sowing on photosynthetic productivity of beans in Ukraine.
Dynamics of sugar beet yield in the steppe zone of Ukraine by the example of Khmelnitsky region.
Contents of phosphates in the Dniester River and sewage of Odessa
Statistical characteristics of time rows of maximal runoff between rivers Dnister – Prut
The estimation of the intensity and direction the transport of the water masses at the boundary of the north-western Black Sea shelf
The role and importance of the water and salt exchange through a strait in the water and salt balance of the estuary mixing area
Analysis of climatic geostrophic flows and their charges on zonal and meridional cut of aquatorium of north-western part of the Black sea
Distribution of the Danube waters in the western part of north-western shelf Black Sea
2012 №10
Contamination of atmosphere above European territory by formaldehyde
Meteorological and synoptic conditions of atmospheric air pollution in Odessa city
Facilities of meteorology radars measurement ten tons development
On some physical mechanisms of evolution of the blocking anticyclone during the formation of the anomalous weather conditions in the summer of 2010
Intercommunications features of ozone general maintenance fields and circulation processes are in the western sector of south hemisphere stratosphere
Meteorological and synoptic conditions of drought in Ukraine in the autumn 2011
Comparison of spatio-temporal features of droughts in Ukraine beginning and the end of the twentieth century
A multi-fractal analysis of temporal sets for the North-Atlantic and South vibration indexes and edge kinetic energy in the middle and tropical latitudes
Simulation of the formation of potential yield of winter wheat in southern Ukraine
Change.zonal scopes of placing of vine plantations of take stock mezzo- end microclimatical
Climate changes impact on the dynamics of moistening indexes in Ukraine
Development of scientific – methodical base for definition of zones of flooding in Dnestr basin (on an example of Gidachiv region of the Lvov area)
Какhovsky reservoir – 55 years
Long-term dynamics of Anmangindinsky ice mound sizes in the conditions of climate changes
Changes of hydrometeorological descriptions of spring flood on the flat rivers of Ukraine
Peculiarities of the hydrochemical regime of Baraboy River
The most harmful concentrations of pollutants in the waste waters of basins of main Ukrainian rivers
Development of calculation chart of forming maximum runoff from elementary watersheds of
An estimation of possibility of operative forecasting of rain floods is on the rivers of basins of Prut and Siret
Multifactor system modelling the extreme hydrological floods and temporal fluctuations of the pollution substances (phosphate) concentrations in a river water
Forms of hydrolytic activity of the water environment and patterns of its formation in the winter season on the case study of the Pechora sea
Ecological estimation of Baraboy River waters quality on appropriate categories
About exchange between Black Sea and Mediterranean waters and current velocities in Bosporus Straight
Mapping of the bottom soils in shallow sea aquatorium. Problems and research results
Pollution by oil products and heavy metals of bottom sediments of the Odessa region North-western Black Sea
The results of complex modeling of the wind waves and wind-wave circulation on the Kerch bay under the Black sea flux through the Kerch spiling
2011 №9
Wavelet analysis in digital signal processing
Optimization of production processes in natural and anthropogenic indignations
Filter realization of wavelet transformation
Prediction of sampled signals with using scalar and vector Kalman filters
Energy balance model of the surface layer of atmosphere
Global mechanisms in atmosphere models and balance of the Earth angel moment: Computer experiments –ІІІ
Influence of heat advection on the genesis of low level jets
Regional features of droughts distribution in Ukraine
Some aspects of formation of intensive droughts conditions in summer of 2010 over the eastern Europe
Supplying of meteorological protection of people and troops from effects of technological accidents, related to emissions into the atmosphere of radioactive and chemical substances
Trend analysis of thermal indicators of agroclimatic recourses in Ukraine for the period up to 2030 – 2040ys.
Agro– and microclimatic of vine placing optimization on example of the northern black sea area
Evaluation of agroclimatic resources of the Kherson region in reference to winter wheat cultivation
Scientifical methodical ground of normative base for calculations of descriptions of Ukraine rivers maximum runoff
A search for optimum economic solutions on the basis of normative and predictive hydrological information: methodical approaches and economic evaluation
Water consumption and abduction – important components of water resource management of Ukraine
The method of the territorial of long-term forecasts of characteristics of spring flood and its realization within the flat territory of Ukraine
Evaluation of water quality of the upper part basin of The Southern Bug river by hydrochemical indicators
Using of formulas of volume type to rationing of calculated characteristics of the maximum runoff
Modelling the runoffs and temporal fluctuations of the pollution substances concentrations in a river water on the basis of a multi-factor systems approach
A multi-factor multi-fractal approach to modelling of the river runoff characteristics
Pollution of water and bottom sediments of the delta and sea-side of Danubeby oil products and heavy metals
Extremely high modules of the slope influx on the territory of Zakarpathia
Current hydrological regime and water dynamics in the Tyligulskyi lagoon
Optical properties of the salt and fresh water mixing area in the Southern bend of Kola bay (the Barents Sea) in the summer season
The variation of water temperature in Odessa coastal waters in the one year to half hour scale
The influence of inversion layer on the atmosphere pollution level in Kiev city
Change of the water quality on the part of the Danube river (Bazarchuk crawl) as a result of ship-repair enterprise workingChange of the water quality on the part of the Danube river (Bazarchuk crawl) as a result of ship-repair enterprise working
Contamination of atmosphere by carbon dioxide above territory of Ukraine
Оценка комфортности климата городов Беларуси
Пространственно-временное распределение засух на территории Украины в условиях изменения климата
Application of the digital Lanczos filter with variable spectral window for transformation of spatio-temporal rows
Распознавание градовых и ливневых облаков по поляризационным параметрам эхо-сигналов
Newton interpolation polynomials application for calculation of average dates of air temperature transition through determined levels in Ukraine
Temperature anomalies in the big city
Energetics of blocking high
The area spatio temporal variability of winter wheat harvests in Ukraine
Пространственная изменчивость ресурсов влаги в Украине с учетом мезо- и микроклимата
Моделирование влияния агрометеорологических условий на формирование продуктивности картофеля и развитие популяции колорадского жука в Ровенской области
Онтогенетические колебания биологического времени растений: яровые и озимые формы
Агроклиматическое районирование для целей фитомелиорации пастбищных земель в Казахстане
The simulation of the productivity of the biogeocenosis of Turanian deserts (in the limits of Kazakhstan)
The dynamics of biomass of separate organs of plants of millet.
The control for lasting grass heavy metals contamination in the Odessa Province irrigation land
The assessment of bioclimatic potential in Ukrainian forest-steppe provinces related to maize growing
Norm of an annual drain of the Zakarpatye rivers
Current coverage ratios of water resources of the population of Ukrain
The mechanism of cryogenic runoff control at the formation of water balance of small mountain rivers in the area of permafrost rocks.
Method of calculation maximal runoff descriptions from small watersheds.
The method of spatial forecasts of terms began and passing of maximums of spring floods on the flat rivers of Ukraine
The features of current system on the area of Pacific ocean eastward to Australia
The features of the Black Sea climatic water circulation on the distribution of dynamic heights along the axis of the Black Sea divergence zone.
Variety of forms of mass conservation law for river stream flowing out on a coast
Quantitative assessment of underground water and peloids of natural-resource potential of Odessa region
Ecological quality monitoring of wide consumption vegetable products
Systems of radiation monitoring in Ukraine
Contamination of atmosphere of the European region by the nitrogen oxides
Universal dimensionless functions for gradients of wind and temperature and their integral forms
Influence of North Atlantic on the temperature of air, precipitation, surface pressure of left bank part Ukraine
Dynamic model of dispersion air pollution at permanent coefficients diffusion and speeds of transfer
Modeling of optical properties of photonic crystals and waveguides on their basis in two- dimensional space
Changes of Climatic Factors and Bioclimatic Indices in the Ukrainian Carpathians
Dangerous sea-level rise at Mariupol port: favourable synoptical processes and impact of North Atlantic Oscillation
Seasonal changes climatological features of interrelation of Arctic sea ice and the Gulf-stream index
Large-scale circulation atmospheric processes in the western sector of the South hemisphere and their connection with sun activity
The typing of synoptic processes over Eastern Ukraine
Influence of weather conditions on the formation of the grain quality of winter wheat in Pelisse
About constructing a preliminari reserved dynamic model of development and growth of agricultural cultures
Detailed estimation agroekologiqou resource in condition lumpy laying under surfaces (on example Saratsky region Odessa area)
Forming of harvest of sugar beet in years with different agrometeorological terms
Modelling of influence of agrometeorological conditions on the potato yield formation in Cherkas region
Dynamics of biomasses of separate organs of plants millet in the South steppe
Setting of norms of descriptions of maximal runoff of spring flood in a river basin Severskiy Donets on the base of formulas of volume type
Spatial modelling of erosion-sedimentation process within the limits of small flat-bottom valley watershed.
A multi-factor systems and multi-fractal approach to modelling extremely high discharges on the example of the Danube river
Modeling of salt balances of Kitay Lake
Existential dynamics of the sediment yields in basin of the overhead Dniester
Research of homogeneity and stationarity of information on the maximal runoff of spring flood of the rivers of north of Tyumenskaya area
Problems of water metering in water-distribution system in Odessa region
The dispersive analyze of surface water’s chemical compound of basin of the river Tisa
Hydrochemical mode and ecological state of Baraboy
Interannual changes and trends in the eutrophication of waters of the Odessa region of northwestern part of Black Sea
The streams of solar energy for different orientated surfaces of hydrotechnical constructions
Temporal variability of hydro-meteorological characteristics of Odessa-region of north-west path of Black-sea
Features of spectrums of interannual changes of large-scale climatic factors of dynamics of aquatic resources of planet, in a period from 1950 to 2009
Mesoscale Meteorology and Air Pollution: Introduction into the Problem and Conference Aims
In Commemoration of the Late Professor Lev N. Gutman
Laboratory modeling of meridional atmosphere circulation and super-rotation
Impact of a synoptical pattern on the state-dependent model error
Spontaneous growth of hurricane-like disturbances in the theory of convective instability for a moist saturated atmospheric layer
Use of one-dimensional models of the atmospheric boundary layer for the estimation of seasonal and synoptic variability of the meteorological values in the region of the ‘C’ ocean station
An analysis of the average surface temperature changes in the experiments with the general atmospheric circulation model of the Hydrometcenter of Russia taking into account city surface features
Numerical Simulation of the Dangerous Events in the Steppe Part of Ukraine
Numerical simulation of the evolution of mesoscale formations accompanied the dangerous events over Crimea
“Queasyprognostic” calculations of tropical cyclones motion
Closure of the Reynolds equations for stably stratified turbulent flows in the atmosphere and the ocean
Verification of atmospheric dispersion model together with mesoscale meteorological model with height resolution
Chemical Weather Forecasting: a New Concept and Methodology of Two-Way Integrated Meso-Scale Modelling
Study of the Anthropogenic Contribution of Tomsk City to Aerosol Composition by means of Measurements At Two Sites
Pollution of the Airbasin of an Industrial Center. Verification of the Theory
Modelling Long-Range Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in Southern Africa Region
Use of Numerical Weather Model «ММ5» for Meteorological Maintenance of Emergency Responsibility System on the NNP
A Generalized “Z-Less” Mixing Length-Scale for Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layers
Upscaling of Mesoscale CO2 Fluxes in the Convective Boundary Layer
Finite-Difference Presentation of the Coriolis Force for Flows of Rotating Shallow Water
Improved Multi-Scale Computational Modelling of Fugitive Dust Dispersion from Surface Mining Operations
Changes in Meteorological and Atmospheric Transport and Deposition Patterns due to Influence of Metropolitan Areas
Application of Microscale Model for Development of Urban Canopy Parametrization Scheme for Mesoscale Models
Simulations of PM10, PM2.5 and Other Pollutants During Winter 2003 in Germany: a Model Experiment with MM5-CMAQ and WRF/CHEM Models
The modeling of consequence the hypothetical variants of radiation accidents in utilizing atomic submarines at Kamchatka region
Computational algorithm of solution of the three–dimensional non–stationary turbulent diffusion equation on the base of the alternating direction method
New formula of estimation of level of the ground concentrations of pollutions from industrial sources
Summary of the Opening Talk of the Round Table Discussion
A Bibliography of the Writings of Professor Lev N. Gutman
Summary of the Opening Talk of the Round Table Discussion
Mesoscale Meteorology and Air Pollution: Introduction into the Problem and Conference Aims
Application probability of methods for an estimation of ecological danger of a high level of pollution of an atmosphere
Modeling of growth forest ecosystem in conditions of radioactive pollution
Current research advances for modeling of atmospheric boundary layer in the regional and mesoscale prediction models
Special blocking situations of zonal transfer above territory of Ukraine
Wave character and energy of processes of the oscillation of temperature and geopotential height of isobaric surfaces
The digital filter as a weak constraint in an initialization procedure of the MM5 numerical model
Spatio-temporal regime for overall ozone content above the Antarctic peninsula
Building of model and logic design characterization of emission of antenna-radar dome system with regular layers of fall –out
Some results of radar investigations of the hail hazardous cumulonimbus clouds devel-oping on the sea breeze fronts at the northwestern Black Sea coast
Modelling of influence agrometeorological conditions on process of frost resistance and wintering of the winter wheat
Complex zoning of agroclimatic resources of the grapes ( vine) productivity in Ukraine
Agroclimatic Conditions and Productivity of Vegetable Crops in the Ukraine
A model of spring barley productivity formation
Period sowing-shoots of plants and biological time
The method of forecast of the average-in-district sugar-beet yield in Ukraine
Estimation of spring frost influences on potato productivity
The Mapping of Soil Aeration and Redistribution of Water on Slopes using GIS-derived Topographic Indices
Using EOF analysis for revealing main predictors forming annual suspended sediments fields (on example of Desna catchment rivers)
Dynamics of marine edge of Danube Kiliya delta and bottom of its estuarine coast
Statistical structure of annual flow fields of river Ussuri and main factors
The dniper water – storage shallow and its sought economical and ecological indices
Characteristics of stream flow of Low Pridneproviya under economic activity circumstances
Use of the specified method of calculation of daily charges of the dissolved matters on the rivers of Ukrainian Carpathians
Development of the script of formation of the rivers Kaljus, Karaec, Gvan, Liadova
Adaptation of numerical hydrothermodynamic model МЕССА to conditions of a northwest shelf of Black Sea
Research of high-frequency making variability of intensity of underground feed of hydrosphere
Time variability of ice extent in polar seas and its relation to atmospheric teleconnection
Features of changeability of level and denivilations water surface in the Kerch channel, influencing on ability travel to cross-country of shipping on a maritime channel
The estimation of the fluctuations of the Black sea level at stations of northwest coast and the volumes of the river’s waters (Danube and Dnepr)