The circulation peculiarity in the region between Africa and Antarctic continent.

Authors: Suhovey V.F., Ruban I.G.

Year: 2007

Issue: 02

Pages: 186-194


Observation data of temperature and salinity are used to calculate geostrophic current and to evaluate water
transport between Africa and Antarctic continental slope, 15-30 E.L. Mean geostrophic current schemes are
based on the use of calculation on a grid with the one-degree resolution for the south hemisphere summer
(January-March) during several years. These shemes show additionaly to episodic inputs of Agulhas eddies to
South Atlantic the presence of the permanent westward narrow branch of Agulhas Current intruded into
Benguela Current. Mean velocity in this branch is about 7-10 cm/s and average water transport is 20 Sv
(20·106 m3/s). Transport of Return Agulhas Current is about 50 Sv. Average general transport of water from
west to east Circumpolar Current is 170-175 Sv.

Tags: Benguela current; Circumpolar current; countercurrent; current; current Agulhas; speed; volume transport.


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