Use of one-dimensional models of the atmospheric boundary layer for the estimation of seasonal and synoptic variability of the meteorological values in the region of the ‘C’ ocean station

Authors: Kazakov A.L., Ivanova E.V.

Year: 2009

Issue: 04

Pages: 38-46


A test of efficiency of the one-dimensional non-stationary baroclinic non-adiabatic model with “b-l”-closure works, using the special observational archive of FGEW (December 1978 – November 1979), was carried out. Reliability of the received results was verified qualitatively and quantitatively: comparing visually the space–time sections and the seasonal behaviour of the fact and calculated meteorological magnitudes and with the statistical methods (the correlation and difference coefficients) accordingly. Such comparing analysis has showed the good agreement between calculated and observed air temperature, wind speed and direction fields sufficiently.

Tags: “b–l”–closure; annual behaviour; atmospheric boundary layer; statistical characteristics; tone-dimensional model; verification


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