Discomfort of weather conditions during winter period in Ukraine

Authors: Malytska L. V.

Year: 2017

Issue: 20

Pages: 26-36


At the end of the XX century and at the beginning of the XXI century climate change was one of the major problems of international community. Today the problem is still relevant. This is dueto a significant change of living conditions of population, especially due to thermal regime change which serves as the main factor directly determining comfort of weather and heat balance of a human body.

In winter period weather comfort depends on the combination of low temperature and high wind speed. It enhances a negative impact on human beings and indicates winter severity in general. This article describes discomfort of weather conditions during winter season in Ukraine. Basic characteristics of thermal regime and wind regime reflecting general features of discomfort during this season are discussed. Estimate of discomfort also includes calculation of comfort indexes – special mathematical formulas that formalize the influence of main meteorological parameters on a human body.

Since the beginning of the XXI century there is a tendency to reduction of cold discomfort in Ukraine. Such reduction is associated with reduction of the Bodman index values. The Siple and Passel index (atmosphere cooling capacity) has the same tendency. In most regions of Ukraine the reality of such changes for both indexes constitutes 90–99 %.

Tags: cold stress; regional bioclimate changes; weather discomfort; дискомфортність погоди; регіональні зміни біоклімату; холодовий стрес


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