Numerical simulation of the evolution of mesoscale formations accompanied the dangerous events over Crimea

Authors: Pirnach A.M., Shpyg V.M.

Year: 2009

Issue: 04

Pages: 60-66


3-D forecasting microphysical models of frontal cloud systems were adapted to extreme conditions during the tornado activity. Models with and without including of a complex relief developed in UHRI have been used for theoretical interpretation of the investigated phenomena. Conditions of formation and evolution of the deep convective cells, strong updrafts and downdrafts, strong rotation during passing of tornados over the north part of the Crimea on July 22, 2002 were investigated in this paper. Series of numerical experiments have been carried out with aim to research the key parameters caused features of development of dangerous events and their activity.

Tags: cloud frontal systems; heavy convective clouds; numerical model; vortices


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