The evaluation of urban heat island characteristics over Odessa

Authors: Marinin I.L., Dranicher O.R.

Year: 2013

Issue: 12

Pages: 54-61


The evaluation of features of urban heat island (UHI) over Odessa is performed. The object of study is the data of surface temperature from 15 stations, while 9 stations locate within the city boundaries. The length of rows is 45 months. The questions of the station selection, the observation timing and the ensuring of data uniformity are discussed. The results indicate to systematic presence of urban heat island. Its intensity was 2,9 °C. On average the urban environment was warmer than rural areas to 1,3°C. Accounting of coastal stations leads to the underestimation of UHI parameters to 0,5°C.

Tags: surface air temperature; thermal regime; urban heat island


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