The streams of solar energy for different orientated surfaces of hydrotechnical constructions

Authors: Bolshakov V.N., Bolshakov M.V.

Year: 2010

Issue: 07

Pages: 220-231


A tool for calculation of streams of solar energy for overwater and underwater parts of hydrotechnical
constructions is presented. Temporal discreteness of calculations is one minute for a concrete day of the year
and one day for whole year. Entrance data: date, latitude, orientation of the surface according to any azimuth
and any declination to the horizon. The refraction and reflection of solar beams at the air−water boundary, the
beam deamplification due to the path length in the atmosphere according to its not ideal transparence is taken
into account. A method of the account of cloudiness is shown.

Tags: cloudines; deamplification; overwater and underwater surfaces; reflection; refraction; stream of energy; transparence


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