Major trends in agro-climatic conditions of winter wheat growing in the Ukrainian part of the sub-basin of the Danube Delta

Authors: Polevoy A., Bozko L., Dronova E., Borovskaya G.

Year: 2013

Issue: 12

Pages: 157-172


They are estimated the change of agro climatic resources in the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta sub-basin in 2011-2030 years and 2030 – 2050 years due to climate change, in a compared with the base period 1986 – 2005 years. For the assessment of climate change in Ukraine A1B scenario, the regional climate model MPI-M-REMO, a global model – CHAM5-r3 have been used. The evaluation of the heat and humidity of the growing season, and evaluation of the changes of agro-climatic conditions of winter wheat in relation to climate change has been done.

Tags: air temperature; biomass; climate; harvest; photosynthesis; precipitation; productivity; winter wheat


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