Chaos-geometric analysis of time series of concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere of the industrial city (on example of the Gdansk region)

Authors: Glushkov A.V., Bunyakova Yu.Ya., Grushevsky O.N., Balan A.K.

Year: 2013

Issue: 13

Pages: 24-28


On the basis of the theory of chaos, in particular, correlation dimension method and the Grossberger-Procaccia algorithm, is has been performed the analysis of time series of concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in Gdynia (Gdansk region) and calculated spectrum of the correlation dimension, that confirms the existence of a chaos existence. The resulting numerical estimates are consistent with the data from the spectrum of Lyapunov dimensionі, Kaplan-York dimension and Kolmogorov entropy. The estimation of the limit of predictability for the method of the short-termed forecast is given.

Tags: chaos; method of correlation dimension; time series of concentrations of nitrogen dioxide


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