A K-GDM model of calculation of concentration is in atmospheric air of harmful matters which are contained in the troop landings of industrial enterprises. S.N. Stepanenko, V.G. Voloshin.

Authors: Stepanenko, S.N. and V.G. Voloshin

Year: 2009

Issue: 05

Pages: 5-14


On the basis of decision of nonstationary equalization of turbulent diffusion with the set sizes of constituents of speed of wind of u, v, w and coefficient of turbulent diffusion of kx,, ky and kz, new formula is got for the calculation of the fields of concentrations of contaminations of air. A formula takes into account interposes of dispersion of admixtures communication in the direction of axes of the system of coordinates. The formulas of calculations allow to calculate the fields of concentrations above the surfaces of any complication, at any meteorological terms and speeds of wind, including at a calm without the use of Gaussians scales of diffusion.

Tags: contamination of atmosphere; dispersions pollutions; equations of turbulent diffusion; point source; quality of atmospheric air


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