Features of changeability of level and denivilations water surface in the Kerch channel, influencing on ability travel to cross-country of shipping on a maritime channel

Authors: Ilushin V., Olifirenko N.

Year: 2006

Issue: 01

Pages: 233-240


In the article is examined reasons and specification of quantity changeability of level in the Kerch channel. It is shown that sea level during the last 60 years rises at a speed of 0,33 cm/year. It is analysed inwardly day’s denivilations: longitudinal and transversal; large-scale inwardly-day’s denivilations, by the duration 6.5 ± 4,1 hours, and finely scale two sentinels and their influence on communicating depths in the Kerch-Enykalsky channel.

Tags: amplitud denivilations; duration inside - daily denivilations; global warming; long-term course of levels; longitudinal and cross denivilations; stale component; through passage depths


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