Spontaneous growth of hurricane-like disturbances in the theory of convective instability for a moist saturated atmospheric layer

Authors: Kalashnik M.V., Shmerlin B.Ya.

Year: 2009

Issue: 04

Pages: 30-37


An analytical theory of the moist convective instability of the rotating thermally stratified viscous and heat-conducting atmospheric layer is created [12,13,16,17]. A conventional parameterization scheme of the heat source caused by the condensation latent heat release, similar CISC parameterization, is used. The theory may be taken as a generalization of the classical theory of the Rayleigh convective instability for a case of the water vapor phase transfers. The theory demonstrates the fundamental difference between the moist convective instability and the Rayleigh instability: it is shown, that the instability region on the plane of the problem parameters c nsists of tw subregions, in the first one loc lized  over the space “hurricane like” structures have o o a the largest growth rate, and only in the second one – periodic over the space structures. The theory developed describes a number of peculiarities in the dynamics of clouds, cloud streets and tropical cyclones. It destroys a conventional opinion, that CISC and similar parameterizations can not lead to the development of the localized structures of the tropical cyclones size.

Tags: convective instability theory; conventional vortices; hurricane; moist convective instability; Rayleigh instability; tropiсal cyclone


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