“Queasyprognostic” calculations of tropical cyclones motion

Authors: Shmerlin B.Ya., Koryshev O.V., Den’kin V.A., Korenev A.I., Shmerlin M.B.

Year: 2009

Issue: 04

Pages: 67-74


Within a framework of the hydromechanical model (HMM) of a tropical cyclone (TC) motion, the
“queasyprognostic” calculations of TC’s movement are carried out during the 2001 and 2003 year seasons. A
TC motion is defined by a large scale wind field and TC intensity. “Queasyprognostic” means, that an objective
analyses of a large scale wind field and an objective analyses of a TC intensity are used during an all life cycle
of a TC. The model contains parameters describing a size of a TC and a distribution of a tangential wind of a
TC. It is shown, that an appropriate choice for everyone TC of meanings of these parameters (constants) during
a “beforeprognostic” period, provides enough good agreement between an actual and calculated tracks of
various types for a “queasyprognostic” period up to 9 days. A duration of a “beforeprognostic” period in the
case of a real prognostic calculations corresponds to a period, for which information about a privies TC motion
is available. Thus, model parameters may be enough correctly defined during a “beforeprognostic” period. The
HMM may be taken as a base for a development of the new track prediction model.

Tags: “queasyprognostic” calculations of TC’s movement; tangential wind; tropical cyclones


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