The conduct of function of density of distributing (p.d.f) of concentration which presents vertical
dispersion of admixture from a continuously operating point source is analyses. It is shown, that when the scale
of vertical dispersion is equal or the more of effective height of source fashion of function approaches a border
z = 0 and remains on this border at further motion of volume of smoke puff of admixture along streamline. The
form of puff as far as motion changes the configuration and is described by the ellipsoid of rotation with the
orientation of axes depending on correlation between the scales of diffusion. The vertical structure of
concentration in the ground layer is well restored by the bigaussien function of closeness of distributing, that is
confirmed by the results of experiments.
The new decision of complete equalization of turbulent diffusion, which, is presented, unlike previous,
cooperation of components of factor of diffusion and speed of wind takes into account in the direction of axes
( i = x, y, z ) Cartesian system of coordinates on condition that components take on any values k =ν + ki and ui ≥ 0 (whereν , ki – molecular and turbulent coefficient of diffusion, ui – speed of wind). Allows to get calculations formulas the fields of concentrations at any thermodynamic conditions of the atmosphere and speeds of wind, including at calm without approximations of scales of diffusion from distance.
New possibilities in reception of digital satellite information from geostationary and polar meteorological
satellites using EUMETCast system are discussed. It is shown how the reception of such data was realized in
Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine.
There are analyzed the influence of wind direction and wind speed on concentrations main pollutant in
atmosphere Kiev city.
The non-linear relationship between Southern Oscillation Index and temperature anomalies (global as well as
both northern and southern) is studied. The methodology is based on the joint analysis of cross-redundancies
and Granger causality, which are applied to time series decomposed by the non-decimated wavelet transform. It
is shown that there are both the effects of Southern oscillation on the temperature anomalies and vice versa, as
well as the feedbacks.
A critical analysis of methods, which are used for determination of stable transition dates of air temperature
over fixed values, is carried out. Some improvements of Ped’s method are offered.
We presented the analysis of content of oxygen in the atmospheric air in regions, located in different relief
conditions on different heights and its changes within time, and gave the analysis of the weather climatic
complex estimated reational conditions.
The dynamic model describing physiological and biochemical processes which proceed in a plant during the
period from crop before occurrence of shoots is developed. The structure of model is submitted by system of the
differential equations.
The brief review of basic theories of individual development of plants is given. An ambiguousness and twodimensional
of temporal processes passing in the organism of plant is shown. The off-line system of two
differential equalizations of the biological temporal field is shown out and analysed. The theoretical and
practical results of study of processes of the biological temporal field are given. The phase portrait of the system
is built. The results of study give 11 types of integral trajectories of the biological temporal field, which are
compared with 11 types of subcellular structures.
Complex agriclimatic division on districts of Ukraine with application of GIS technologies is made. It was
allotted seven agriclimatic microdistricts on thermal recourses, which are subdivided on subdistricts (in total 20
The complex map of agriclimatic recourses is introduced and in the legend of the map a characteristic on 31
indices is given.
On the basis of the mathematical model “weather-harvest” (UHMI) the influence of soil moisture on winter
wheat and summer barley yields formation in Ukraine are investigated. Repeatability of a soil moisture
conditions with various degree of usefulness during the main periods of grain crops development so as the
peculiarity of their spatial distribution are analyzed
Comparative agroclimatic estimation of biological productivity of climate of the Kiev and Zaporozhian regions
taking into account mikroklimaticheskoy estimation of the thermal mode of soils of different mechanical is
executed composition for the terms of the natural and optimum moistening.
Analysis of natural and anthropogenous factors which form the present-day hydroecological regimen of the
estuary is conducted. Constituents of water-salt balance of the reservoir are determined. Changeability of
fluctuations in water level in the sea and the estuary is analysed. Estimations for influence of artificially
managed seawater cycle on salinity, water temperature and fluctuations of water level in the estuary are made.
Guidelines for management of artificial seawater cycle of the estuary, with seasonal changeability of
hydroecological features of the estuary and influence of external factors on them being taken into account, are
worked out.
An methodical approach was proposed to determine an underground inflow in Mountainaus Crimea river-beds
on hydrometric data. An underground inflow estimated on minimal of mean water runoff data was considered
as base flow. The connection between base runoff and the underground runoff, calculated by dismembering of
flow hydrograph, was using for determination of annual underground runoff.
Theoretical aspects of structure of formulas of maximum intensity and incoming parameters in them are
considered in article.
The relationship between atmospheric circulation indexes in North Atlantic and structure of annual runoff fields
in Central and East Europe was investigated. The principle components time series of the leading EOF of
annual runoff and their connections with atmospheric circulation indexes were considered. Results show that
forming of statistical structure of annual runoff fields is stipulated Arctic Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation
and Scandinavia pattern.
The technique of account of the maximal runoff of floods for the rivers of Algeria with use of the modified
formula of limiting intensity is offered. The offered technique allows to the full to use the information on the
maximal daily precipitations, which in researched territory is reliable and representative.
Lead to annual (1991 – 2000) discharge on sluicion by sixth hydroknots of Dniepr’s cascade them comparison
and analysis.
The brief description of methods of calculation of flood flow hydrographs is described in the article and the
estimation of results of calculations by the model of kinematics wave and method of water balances is conducted.
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The water circulation on the Odessa’s beach zone was investigated and the water-changing time was estimated
under the different configurations of the shielding constructions. The complex of the wave-wind circulation
numerical model and the wave transformation spectral model was used.
The statistical method of the estimationof a sea-bottom deformation is offered. Integral estimation of the budget
is given according to results erosion of bottom and alluviums precipitating. The areas of most intensive
accumulation in marine channel are exposed, the critical communicating depths are appraised.
Change of river stream structure at its reaching the seaside is under consideration in the paper. Transformation
of stream transverse area, average speed and linear momentum at various slopes of coast seabed and various
intensity of salt water confluence are under analysis.
Change of river stream structure at its reaching the seaside is under consideration in the paper. Transformation
of stream transverse area, average speed and linear momentum at various slopes of coast seabed and various
intensity of salt water confluence are under analysis.
Estimation of quality of sea waters of the Crimean region for a period 1996 – 2007 on four area was executed.
An economic loss to the environmental as a result of emergency upcasts of pollutants on sea environment is
The efficiency and problems of rating-type and credit-modular type systems of estimation of the students
knowledge are highlighted. The role of the systems characters like zeroth-level of estimation studies with respect
to output of the systems. The possibilities of the adaptation of ECTS to the national estimation standards have
been discussed.
1.Болонський процес: тенденції, проблеми, перспективи / Укл. В.П. Бех, Ю.Л.
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3.Нові технології навчання: Наук.-метод збірник. Вип. 17. – К.: ІЗМН, 1996. – 250 с.
4.Основні засади розвитку вищої освіти України в контексті Болонського процесу / За
ред. В.Г. Кремня. – Тернопіль: вид-во ТДПУ імені В. Гнатюка, 2004. – 147 с.
5.Педагогічна освіта України в стратегії Болонського процессу // Освіта України. –
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6.Рейтинговая система оценки успеваемости студентов. Сб. науч. трудов. – К.:
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7.Степко М.Ф., Болюбаш Я.Я., Шинкарук В.Д. та ін. Болонський процес у фактах і
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In clause prospects of introduction of information system «AlmaMater» at the Odessa state ecological university
are considered. The basic functionalities of system allowing essentially to raise efficiency of the organization of
educational process, constructed on principles of the Bolognia declaration are allocated.