This research makes it possible to improve the short-term numerical prognosis of meteorological and turbulent variables, using equations of hydrodynamics and the closure technique of two equations of turbulence, including the TKE budget and TKE dissipation equations.
Basic equations are shown within the framework of the K-theory for non-stationary, stratified, bariclinic, hydrostatical atmosphere in the isobaric coordinates and Cartesian coordinate system. The finite-difference equation is solved with method of successive approximations. It allows applying implicit time integration, which provides the calculated stability and positive values of TKE and dissipation.
The two-day prognosis of meteorological and turbulent variables is obtained for the North hemisphere. The spatial distribution of meteorological and turbulent variables is analyzed for the region of 0–45E, 40–65N.
The analysis shows strong turbulence at midday in the condition of the unsteady stratification and absence of turbulence at night for the steady one.
Variables of atmospheric boundary layer are calculated with the 50 m vertical step in the 3-km layer in the net points for hilly and mountainous areas. Prognostic results depict quantitative correlations between temperature stratification, the wind shift and turbulent parameters. Comparison of meteorological conditions in the areas of turbulence shows that in the day hours strong turbulence develops at identical meteorological conditions in both areas, but in the night time the turbulence disappears faster at strong steady stratification for hilly areas, than for mountain ones. The results of analysis of prognostic structure of turbulence show that in the second half of day and in the early morning (transitional period) there are separate residual layers, where turbulence is still active, developing higher steadily to stratified lower part of boundary layer. The quantitative parameters of turbulence and meteorological terms of separate residual layers are presented.
Renorm-group and fractal approach is used to study a turbulence spectrum in a general dynamics of atmosphere, turbulent pulsation in planetary atmosphere – cosmic plasma and galactic cosmic rays system.
Integrated multi-scale modelling concept of urban environment, air pollution, climate change and human health interactions for megacities and overview of integrated modelling frameworks for global to street scale realized in European FP7 project MEGAPOLI and several following research projects, are described in this paper.
The changes of thermal balance components of specific geographic area, estimated from data of measuring on one of its facies, are studied. Estimations, carried out with the step of 10 m on the basis of the digital relief model of part of the mountain slope, show that shadowing of slopes and slope orientation, which can strongly differentiate in the distance of a few meters, play important part in forming of topoclimate.
The evaluation of features of urban heat island (UHI) over Odessa is performed. The object of study is the data of surface temperature from 15 stations, while 9 stations locate within the city boundaries. The length of rows is 45 months. The questions of the station selection, the observation timing and the ensuring of data uniformity are discussed. The results indicate to systematic presence of urban heat island. Its intensity was 2,9 °C. On average the urban environment was warmer than rural areas to 1,3°C. Accounting of coastal stations leads to the underestimation of UHI parameters to 0,5°C.
The brief review of directions and aspects of research of features, changeability and extremality regional climate is given at the example of the Ural and usage of significantly informative and infrequently used index of wetness – continuous periods of precipitation deficiency. The specialized informative base (databases) of studied phenomenon, called as «Catalogues…», is created that has the independent scientific-methodical and applied sense. Indexes of spatiotemporal and interannual changeability of periods of a different duration calculated on their basis and cartographically and graphically interpreted, show the territorial, seasonal and interannual features of their distribution, tendencies of displays of interannual changes of extreme (by a different indicator recommendation) periods. Results display that these indexes can be the indicator of changeability of climate in the aspect of region and can be used for recommendations on perspective and operative prognostication of unfavorable terms of moistening – for the improvement of hydrometeorological support of economy industries.
The paper presents achievements of the previous “Arctic Risk” project: “Atmospheric transport pathways, vulnerability and possible accidental consequences from the nuclear risk sites in the European Arctic (multidisciplinary network studies)” of the Nordic Arctic Research Programme (NARP) and several following research initiatives and projects. The main results include the development and testing of a methodology for complex nuclear risk assessment and vulnerability evaluation.
On the basis of 3-year observation in the air surface layer in the Tomsk region, features of annual and day’s motion of the ground concentration of ozone on 4 posts with different pollution levels (urban, suburban and background) and vertical distribution on the territory of base experimental station and the observatory “Fonovaya”. It is shown, that between posts there are noticeable distinctions, both in annual, and in day’s motion.
Different groups of circulation were analysed in relation to the sector of East Antarctica of the South hemisphere in years with maximal and minimum seawater ion concentration (Na+) in snow for the last decades. Large-scale processes, which is favourable to increase or reduction of sodium ion concentration, are revealed.
A new method of cluster analysis that makes possibility to divide data set into multitudes in accordance with the heterogeneity principle. Numerical experiments show that the results of clusterization obtained for sea surface temperature, are physical explained.
The main particularities of the temperature fields structure revealed. The principal components of these fields obtained. The certain recurring decimals of the components oscillations have hidden. The obtained preliminary findings on atmospheric teleсonnection between the main components of the surface air temperature fields.
The formation of low level jet in autumn 2001-2010, the structure and relationship with the stratification of temperature are characterized on the basis of sounding observations for the ten-year period. The synoptic processes prevailing during the formation of low jets are identified. The influence of temperature advection on the case of intense flow in the lower troposphere is estimated.
The article deals with heat waves cases in Kyiv during one hundred years. It was analyzed their temporal dynamics, duration and intensity. It was found that heat wave in July–August 2010 was the most powerful and longest during the study period. It was characterized synoptic processes that led to its formation and temperature regime in Kiev at this time.
The comparative assessment of the statistical characteristics of the series of wind speed at the surface in the area of marine meteorological stations Illichevsk-Port and Yuzhny-Port, and found a number of regularities that take into account not only the seasonal and diurnal variation of these parameters, but also the impact of physical and geographical conditions of the location of the meteorological stations the formation of ground-level wind regime.
They are estimated the change of agro climatic resources in the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta sub-basin in 2011-2030 years and 2030 – 2050 years due to climate change, in a compared with the base period 1986 – 2005 years. For the assessment of climate change in Ukraine A1B scenario, the regional climate model MPI-M-REMO, a global model – CHAM5-r3 have been used. The evaluation of the heat and humidity of the growing season, and evaluation of the changes of agro-climatic conditions of winter wheat in relation to climate change has been done.
On the basis of adaptative computations in the framework of three-dimensional numerical model with high spatial resolution and data of reanalysis relationship between the interannual-decennial changeability of largescale circulation in the Black sea and the vorticity of wind field is examined. Two types of adaptative computations for October-November and February-March are analyzed. First series of numerical experiments are carried out on the basis of adaptation of the archival temperature and salinity data for 30 years and wind fields averaged for ten-year periods. The second series of computations is conducted from the data joined in groups for years with the high and low values of the vorticity of wind field. It is shown, that for interannual scale the intensity of large-scale circulation in the Black sea is connected with changeability of middle vorticity of wind fields over the sea. For ten-year scale such relationship is not revealed. Though increasing area with prevailing cyclonic vorticity of wind fields for ten year scale is accompanied by strengthening of middle flows.