The article researches the abilities of using discrete wavelet analysis in digital signal processing.
The paper deals with the variability of the climatic characteristics of the average values and natural events of Eastern Siberia. The data on the extreme natural events for information support of various branches of human activity are systematized. The anthropogenic failures in the region during the last twenty years are analyzed. The different variants of the optimization model of agrarian manufacture in the conditions of natural events tested on the real objects are offered. The results of the modeling are presented.
The abilities of using digital filtration methods in discrete wavelet analysis based on matrix representation of Khaar transformations are examined.
The abilities of sampled signals prediction with using scalar and vector Kalman filters are researched.
The energy balance model for calculation of scales, gradients and other parameters of the logarithmic surface layer of atmosphere is analysed. The model is provided the “lock” of thermal balance surface and balance of flux of dissipation of kinetic energy of turbulence and temperature pulsations. The model is built on the base of Monin-Obukhov semi-empiric theory of the ground layer. The model uses only a base meteorological information. Results are compared to the analogical models of other authors.
The results of the computer experiments within new microsystems technology “Geomath on modelling global mechanisms in atmosphere low frequency processes, estimates of the Earth angle moment balance and teleconnection effects are presented.
A brief overview of theoretical research on the role of heat advection in the formation of low-level jets was carried out. On the example of the formation of low tropospheric jets over Ukraine, the influence of temperature stratification on the occurrence of low jet is shown.
Spatiotemporal features of drought distribution in the Ukraine territory are investigated for the period from 1943 to 2002 with the Palmer Drought Severity Index. The repeatability of months with droughts and droughts themselves, as well as their intensity and duration are analyzed. It is shown that there have been changes in aridity (or humidification) climate in the territory of Ukraine, and these changes were not uniform in different regions.
The conditions of large-scale drought have been investigated, and temperature anomalies in Ukraine in July-August 2010 against the backdrop of contemporary changes in global and regional climate.
The tendencies of the growth of potential risk of chemical and radiation – dangerous accidents, as well as the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and arises in connection with the problem of protecting the residents and the environment were considered. Proposals to ensure the people and troops safety from radioactive and chemical contamination were presented.
Based on analysis of observational materials of 175 meteorological stations of Ukraine by comparing the average long-term characteristics of weather and agrometeorological indicators of temperature it were identified trends of changes for the period from 1890 to 2030 -2040 ys.
The basis of agro- and microclimatic indexes has been carried out for the estimation of vine growing conditions. The results of calculations and fine-scale agroclimatic districting of thermal resources and danger of light frosts on the Northern Black Sea Area territory have been presented.. The algorithm of re-calculation of the pointed conditions under influence of differences of underlying surface has been described as a flow-chart and the detailed estimation of their changeability on the probed territory taking into account mezo- and microclimate has been presented. The vine placing considering the quality level for different locations in relief has been optimized on the reason of comparative estimates of thermal resources, light frost-danger and heat-necessity of vine.
The general evaluation of agroclimatic resources in Kherson region as to cultivation of winter wheat was made on the base of agro-ecological categories of productivity and quantitative evaluation of agroclimatic resources.
In the article the analysis of the modern state in the field of calculations of the basic hydrological descriptions of floods is given. The method which can be the basis of a new normative document for calculating of maximum runoff of the rivers is theoretically substantiated.
The issues of economic substantiation for optimum economic solutions are under study on the basis of hydrologic and economic calculations with the use of normative and predictive hydrological information. The examples for optimization calculations are presented with the use of Bayes Strategy.
The dynamics of consumption of fresh water and waste discharges into water bodies is shown, and also analysis of concentrations of certain pollutants in wastewater on the reason of Ukrainian standards.
The method and the scientific and methodical recommendations, which allows to make of long-term forecasting of layer flow and maximum charges of water, dates of passing of spring flood for the flat rivers of Ukraine is offered.
Hydrochemical index of pollution for the characterization of hydroecological status of The Southern Bug river is used in this article to analyze the influence of water content on the quality of river water – a method of integrated difference curves.
Scientific and methodical approaches on using of volume formulas structure for rationing of calculated characteristics of the maximum runoff of rain high waters and spring high waters are considered.
It was carried out numerical modelling characteristics for a number of unique hydrological events for basin (highlands Strazov, Slovakia) and fluctuation temporal trends of changing nitrates concentrations in some catchments in 5 regions of the Small Carpathians on the basis of the new approach combining the multi factor systems approach and multi-fractal formalism.
It is carried out modelling river runoff characteristics for r. Danube within a multi-fractal formalism with using the Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm. It is calculated a spectrum of fractal dimensions.
The characteristics of the slope influx on the territory of Zakarpathia during the temple flood and the influence of the local factors on them are considered in the article.
The current hydrological regime and water dynamics in the Tyligulskyi lagoon, based on the analysis of location observation data and numerical mathematical simulation results, are described. A three-dimensional numerical thermodynamic model, which makes it possible to calculate water exchange of the lagoon with the sea through a connecting canal and its influence on the hydroecological regime of the lagoon, is verified.
Distribution of hydrophysical parameters and structure of the light field for the salt and fresh water mixing area for The Kola Bay (The Barents Sea) is studied here. Separation of the mixing area by hydrooptical indices is presented.
On the basis of measurements of temperature carried out in one point in Odessa coastal waters during 16 months with a half hour discretion, statistically provided parameters were received of seasonal, synoptic, diurnal variation, and also statistics of possible temperature changes for half an hour.