Detailed estimation agroekologiqou resource in condition lumpy laying under surfaces (on example Saratsky region Odessa area)

Authors: Prykup L.A., Lyashenko G.V.

Year: 2010

Issue: 07

Pages: 123-131


The Presented results of the cartographic analysis (M 1:50000) laying under surfaces (the forms and element of the relief, topsoil) of the territory Saratskogo region Odesskoy area. The Executed calculations and is organized estimation of the spatial distribution agroecolodgiqui resource and complex scale large end middle zonning under investigation territory. The optimization scheme possible and expedient accomodation of the agricultural cultures are Motivated on base of the detailed account agroecolodgiqui resource of the territory.

Tags: agroclimatically and agroecolodgically facility; complex scale large end middle zonning; laying under surface; optimization of the accomodation of the agricultural cultures; spatial variability agroecolodgically resource


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