Analysis of function of density of distributing of concentration in models Gaussian of dispersion of admixtures in atmosphere.

Authors: Stepanenko, M., and G. Voloshin

Year: 2008

Issue: 03

Pages: 5-12


The conduct of function of density of distributing (p.d.f) of concentration which presents vertical
dispersion of admixture from a continuously operating point source is analyses. It is shown, that when the scale
of vertical dispersion is equal or the more of effective height of source fashion of function approaches a border
z = 0 and remains on this border at further motion of volume of smoke puff of admixture along streamline. The
form of puff as far as motion changes the configuration and is described by the ellipsoid of rotation with the
orientation of axes depending on correlation between the scales of diffusion. The vertical structure of
concentration in the ground layer is well restored by the bigaussien function of closeness of distributing, that is
confirmed by the results of experiments.

Tags: dispersion of pollution; functions of density of distributing of concentration; point source


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