Authors: V.А. Shnaidman, L.V. Berkovich, Yu.V. Tkacheva
Year: 2013
Issue: 12
Pages: 10-24
This research makes it possible to improve the short-term numerical prognosis of meteorological and turbulent variables, using equations of hydrodynamics and the closure technique of two equations of turbulence, including the TKE budget and TKE dissipation equations.
Basic equations are shown within the framework of the K-theory for non-stationary, stratified, bariclinic, hydrostatical atmosphere in the isobaric coordinates and Cartesian coordinate system. The finite-difference equation is solved with method of successive approximations. It allows applying implicit time integration, which provides the calculated stability and positive values of TKE and dissipation.
The two-day prognosis of meteorological and turbulent variables is obtained for the North hemisphere. The spatial distribution of meteorological and turbulent variables is analyzed for the region of 0–45E, 40–65N.
The analysis shows strong turbulence at midday in the condition of the unsteady stratification and absence of turbulence at night for the steady one.
Variables of atmospheric boundary layer are calculated with the 50 m vertical step in the 3-km layer in the net points for hilly and mountainous areas. Prognostic results depict quantitative correlations between temperature stratification, the wind shift and turbulent parameters. Comparison of meteorological conditions in the areas of turbulence shows that in the day hours strong turbulence develops at identical meteorological conditions in both areas, but in the night time the turbulence disappears faster at strong steady stratification for hilly areas, than for mountain ones. The results of analysis of prognostic structure of turbulence show that in the second half of day and in the early morning (transitional period) there are separate residual layers, where turbulence is still active, developing higher steadily to stratified lower part of boundary layer. The quantitative parameters of turbulence and meteorological terms of separate residual layers are presented.
Tags: hydrodynamic equations; implicit integration; method of successive approximations; short-term prognostication; turbulent closure
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