There are analyzed the influence of different kinds of temperature inversions and normal atmosphere stratification on nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide concentrations in Kiev city atmosphere.
Description of pollutants emission streams which generate in technological processes on a ship-repair enterprise is presented. The assesment of water quality in the enterprise aquatorium is conducted. The changes of hydrochemical marks of the Danuberiver in the control sections located up and down stream are investigated, with the construction of water quality graphic models.
The features of carbon dioxide fields spatial structure in an atmosphere above territory of Ukraine are probed. On the basis of carbon dioxide general maintenance initial values matrices the matrices of average values for every season separately and for all of period of research were built. The fields of average values and the fields of mean quadratic deviations were built and researched. The cumulative values CO2 maintenance in atmosphere are got.
Дана территориально дифференцированная геоэкологическая оценка комфортности климата городов Беларуси и предложен прогнозный сценарий ее изменения в 2020 году. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы в практике рационального природопользования Беларуси для принятия грамотных управленческих решений по оптимизации функционирования и развития урбанизированных территорий страны.
Определены индексы засух (нормированный индекс осадков) для территории Украины в 1950-2009 годы. Показано, что в отдельных областях юга и центра Украины произошло резкое увеличение количества месяцев с засухами. При помощи анализа разладки выявлено, что в 1960-80 и 1990-2000 годах произошли резкие изменения средней величины, причем над югом Украины со второй половины 1990-х годов имеет место тренд к увеличению количества и интенсивности засух.
Based upon test filtrations for one- and two-dimension arrays of the zonal wind component the influence of the features of the spectral window of the Lanczos filter over parameters of low- and high-frequency components for the spatio-temporal series involved is examined.
В статье показана возможность распознавания градовых и ливневых облаков по поляризационным параметрам эхо-сигналов.
The shortages of the existing calculation methods of the transition dates of the air temperature through determined levels are examined. The new method of their identification on base of the using Newton interpolation polynomials is offered. The dates of the transition of the air temperature through 0°, 5°, 10° and 15°C for standard climatological period 1961-1990 are calculated for 29 weather stations of the Ukraine.
The articles devoted to the main methodology problems, which can appear during researching of temperature anomalies in the big city, it uses analyzed the basic factors influencing on forming of urban heat island and determining its intensity, positive and negative consequences of urban heat island influence are characterized.
The situation with blocking high from July 9 to August 5, 2003 is considered. The Atmospheric energetics during this period is investigated. It is shown that there is a relationship between changes of energetics and evolution of blocking high.
The analysis of time series variability in crop yields of winter wheat in Ukraine. Were calculated trend lines yield method of harmonic balance, yield deviations from the trend line, the dynamics of trends in crop yields, and the evaluation of climate variability sredneoblastnyh crop yields.
Дается обоснование показателей для комплексной оценки и разномасштабного районирования ресурсов влаги в Украине. Приводятся алгоритм расчетов показателей условий увлажнения с учетом мезо- и микроклимата. Представлена оценка ресурсов влаги по относительному показателю увлажнения, который характеризует отношение запасов продуктивной влаги в метровом слое почвы к запасам влаги наименьшей влагоемкости (W̅/Wнв) в Украине в разрезе зон увлажнения в зависимости от макрорайона, подрайона, экспозиции склона и местоположение на склоне.
Представлены результаты численных экспериментов по оценке влияния засушливых, влажных и среднемноголетних условий на развитие популяции колорадского жука и формирование урожайности картофеля применительно к условиям Ровенской области. В основу численных экспериментов положена модель формирования урожайности картофеля и развития популяции колорадского жука при различных агрометеорологических условиях.
На основе теории колебаний предложена единая динамическая модель роста общей сухой биомассы, процессов фотосинтеза и дыхания растений для озимых и яровых форм. Учитываются критические температуры вымерзания озимых, минимальные, оптимальные и максимальные значения факторов внешней среды: прихода ФАР, температуры воздуха, влажности почвы. Основное различие яровых и озимых форм растений обеспечивается начальной фазой колебаний устойчивой составляющей логистической кривой роста общей сухой биомассы растений в онтогенезе.
Представлены результаты агроклиматического районирования пастбищных земель в пустынной зоне Казахстана для целей фитомелиорации, как составляющей современной системы кормопроизводства и управления пастбищами.
It is examined model PASTURE for describing the dynamics of the productivity of desert biocenoses. Model is а
component of the technology of the contemporary ecological monitoring of pastures on the base of aerospace
and ground-based information.
On the basis of the field experiments conformities to law of dynamics of biomass of organs of plants are set.
Regional assessment of bioclimatic forest-steppe regions potential in Ukraine has been made, also have comparative evaluation of using bioclimatic region potential efficiency related to maize cultivation has been made.
Scientifically-methodical problems of calculation of an annual drain norm of the Zakarpatye rivers are considered.
Based on updated statistics of population in the areas of Ukraine as of January 1, 2011., specific parameters population supply of water resources per person were clarified.
The mechanism of cryogenic runoff control is under study and its quantitative estimation under surcharge of various kinds of underlying surface is given on the example of water balance of small water catchment areas of the Upper Kolyma.
The scientifically-methodical problem of calculation maximal runoff description of floods and high waters from small watersheds are examined.
The method of base-line forecasts of dates of the begining and passing of maximum charges (levels) of spring flood on the rivers of Ukraine flat territory on the basis of meteorological forecast of temperature of air and at the regional generalization of parameters of forecasting chart for different on an area and geographical position of the basins is offered. Establishment of floods terms frequency repetition is foreseen in a long-term period.
Current system in western subtropical zone of Pacific ocean is examined. Relief of the bottom in region is very complicated – numerous islands, meridional underwater ridges are the cause of formation of few separate branches of currents. A strength of all current branches periodically changed, but periods or cycles of this oscillations are unstable. This natural phenomena is autooscillation consisting of the several links.
It is considered a spatial position, seasonal variability and intensity of the main flow and cyclonic circulation of the Black Sea waters along the axis of divergence, identified and selected according to the results of dynamical calculations of the climatic data set of temperature and salinity in surface and intermediate layers of the Black Sea. The important role of spring floods on the rivers of the NWBS in the development of the water circulation features was shown because of this river’s water and MBSC interaction with the periphery of the western and eastern cyclonic circulation. This process causes domination at the western part sea surface cyclone – in spring and at eastern – in summer and autumn. The flow rate and nature of seasonal migration cyclonic centers were estimated.
As a result of the analysis of mass conservation equation law for a river stream flowing out on a coast, its different two-dimensional approximations are received in descriptions of the width of this changing stream. These equations possess a novelty, therefore they require the attentive and multilateral analysis by other researchers having interest in the field of dynamics of the interaction between river and sea waters on a coast.