Calculation of water balance China Lake (between 2008-2014)

Authors: Zh.R. Shakirzanov, Y.S. Medvedeva, M.D. Yaneva

Year: 2015

Issue: 16

Pages: 196-201


Introduction. The main characteristic of hydrometeorological mode of China Lake, is the water balance of inland waters, defined process flow and water flow. Based on the water balance is determined by water exchange, physical and chemical processes in reservoirs and estimated effects of measures aimed at possible economic use of water resources.

Purpose. The aim is analyze of physical – geographic, morphometric, hydrological, hydraulic characteristics of China Lake and the rivers that feed them; calculation of the components of the water balance of the lake China (in 2008-2014) and determine the water balance of residuals.

Methods. In the analysis of available materials observations known statistical methods used; in determining the unknown components of water balance – similar hydrological me
thods and operating regulations.

Results. Receipt of lake water balance China (2008-2014) in the largest extent determine precipitation on the water surface of the lake (from 17 to 77%), while expenditure is the highest percentage of evaporation from 38,7 to 86,1%. The greatest value of residuals observed in the summer months, received their size residuals are found within the acceptable.

Conclusion. The authenticity of the definition of the components of the water balance of the lake. China will also be checked accuracy of the values of salinity of water in the reservoir as a result of payments salt balance.

Tags: filtration; groundwater flow; residual; surface runoff; transpiration; water balance; water exchange


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