The estimation of the intensity and direction the transport of the water masses at the boundary of the north-western Black Sea shelf

Authors: Andrianova O.R., Belevich R.R., Medinets V.I.

Year: 2012

Issue: 11

Pages: 210-217


The intensity and direction of the marine water transport at the boundary of the north-western Black Sea shelf on the sections between the stations Primorskoe – Zmiinyi Island – Chernomorskoe using of the sea level data on these stations was evaluated. The conclusion about the periodic formation in 2005-2006 of the coastal anticyclonic gyre close to Zmiinyi Island was based: transport from north to south in the periods April – July 2005 and May – December 2006 but transport of the sea water masses from south to north in the period August 2005 – April 2006. The method of the restoration the missing sea level data was testing and results was very positive.

Tags: Black Sea; Danube River; flow rate; sea level; water transport


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