Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Journal
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Articles of this issue
Air pollution by nitrogen dioxide in Kiev city
Towards theoretical modeling of the sand dunes motion
Review of fundamental nuclear-geophysical researches in OSENU: I. standard beta decay theory elements and new cooperative electron-β-nuclear spectroscopy
Verification of numerical simulation of suspended matter distribution under marine dumping process
Analysis and forecast of the environmental radioactivity dynamics based on methods of chaos theory: General scheme and some application
New geography-mathematic approaches in the tasks of design of distribution of harmful admixtures in an atmosphere
Calculation of precipitation during period of catastrophic flood 21-27 july 2008 in Ukrainian Carpathians
Universal families of Johnson distributions and their use for analysis of time series of surface wind speed
The function of the turbulent energy dissipation in the atmospheric surface layer
Future climate change and it’s impact on precipitation and temperature in Ukraine
The earth angle moment balance, low-frequency atmospheric processes and radiowaveguides: II. Application of an advanced non-stationary theory for different forms of atmosphere circulation
Meteorological service for civil defense tasks
Thermal resources of Ukraine in the conditions of climate change
Agricultural plant residues in the Odessa oblast: Perspectives for biogas production
Modified climate influence on rates development of spring barley in Ukraine
Evaluation of the production process of potato in a changing climate in the eastern and western forest-steppe
Influence of climatic changes on mode of moistening of vegetation period in Ukraine
Modelling greenhouse gas emission from organic soils (PEAT-GHG-MODEL)
Main tendencies of climate factors changes within Kuyalnik Liman drainage basin
Assessment of Hadzhibeysky estuary and forecasting possible water level in it
Development of calculated and normative framework in the field of maximum runoff of rain and spring flood: Problems and possible solutions
Wavelet and multifractal analysis of the nonlinear structures in chaotic processes for hydroecological systems
Water balance systems of lakes Yalpuh – Kugurluy (in the period 2006-2014 yy.)
Modelling and forecasting the hydroecological systems pollution dynamics by using a chaos theory methods: II. Advanced chaos data on pollution of the Small Carpathians river’s watersheds
Impact of climate changes on water resources of Kuialnyk Liman catchment in scenario climate conditions
Calculation of water balance China Lake (between 2008-2014)
Current situation of water quality Dniester river basin in transboundary areas
Determination of constituents receipt Kakhovka Reservoir water balance
Physical fundamental of layered structure stability of river-sea region (on the example of the Kola Bay)
Estimation of the influence of water exchange with the sea conditions on the water level and salinity variability in the Tyligulskyi Liman lagoon
The distribution of biogenic substances in waters of the North Atlantic