The dynamic model of winter hardiness formation by the plants of winter wheat in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

Authors: Polevoy А.N., Blyshchyk D.V., Feoktistoff P.А.

Year: 2014

Issue: 14

Pages: 105-111


The results of the research of the dynamic model block of winter hardiness formation by the plants of winter wheat in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine are presented, with the Odessa region as an example. The parameters of the model block of winter hardiness formation by the plants of winter wheat according to laboratory and field experimental observations of agrobiological indexes dynamics are identified. The model describes the process of hardening of winter wheat plants under the effect of agrometeorological conditions of autumn – winter period and can be used for forecasting of their wintering both for a particular field, and the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. The error between the calculated model values and the actual data obtained in the laboratory and field experimental observations on the date of ending of autumn vegetation is 7 %.

Tags: mathematical model; winter hardiness; winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)


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