Authors: Tuchkovenko Yu.S., Aleksandrov B.H., Andrianova O.R., Golodov M.F., Komorin V.M., Matyhin O.S., Minicheva G.G., Popov Yu.I.
Year: 2017
Issue: 19
Pages: 106-119
The paper presents an overview of the current state and prospects for development of oceanographic research that is performed at specialized institutions being the constituents of Odessa Scientific Cluster: The Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of the Sea, the Institute of Marine Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Odessa Area Branch of State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine, the Black and Azov Seas Center for Hydrometeorology, the Odessa State Environmental University and the Hydroacoustics Department of the S. I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The priority tasks in the field of Oceanology, defined at the First All-Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Congress having being held in Odessa on 22-23 March 2017 are formulated. It is concluded that after Ukraine had lost the Crimean Scientific Oceanographic Cluster, the Odessa Cluster remained the only center in Ukraine which structural units had practical experience in marine research, scientific potential, scientific and methodological developments, an infrastructure for implementation of the tasks of the Maritime Doctrine of Ukraine for the period of up to 2035 as regards the issues related to oceanographic support for the maritime economic activity and sustainable development of Ukraine as a maritime nation. However, a necessary precondition for this is enhancement of the system for organization of oceanographic research at the state level and proper resource support for development of the scientific and technical potential.
Tags: current state; oceanography; prospects; scientific cluster; Одесса; Одесса
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