Authors: Shnaydman V.A., Berkovich L.V., Stepanenko S.N.
Year: 2006
Issue: 01
Pages: 33-47
The results of current research advances are used for the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) parameterization in the regional and mesoscale prediction models, where the level of the turbulence closure becomes important and are widely used for the quantitative description of atmospheric lower layer. The improved model reconstruction of 3D thermo-dynamic and turbulence characteristics in terrain-following coordinates for stratified, baroclinic atmospheric boundary layer is presented. The two-equation approach of turbulence closure includes the equations for kinetic energy of the turbulent eddies and dissipation rate. This approach of turbulence closure allows to exclude the empirical formulae of length scale and to take into account physics of the various complex turbulence phenomena The lower boundary condition is modified by including the prediction equations for temperature and moisture instead of given values of temperature and moisture near the surface level. The equations for TKE and dissipation rate are added by the terms of the pressure-correlation which take into account the turbulence-turbulence and mean fields-turbulence interactions. The developed model described the most physical mechanisms of the ABL formation.
Tags: atmospheric boundary layer; mesoscale prediction models; parameterization
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