Meteorological service for civil defense tasks

Authors: Kovylin G.D., Bernikov I.S., Vasilishin V.N.,

Year: 2015

Issue: 16

Pages: 89-98


The place and role of meteorological service for solving problems of population protection against the impact of natural disasters, technological accidents and modern means of destruction (fires, explosions, and terrorist actions) are considered.
The shortcomings of the calculation technique and the radar method considered for computing of average wind and explosion (nuclear object accident) power are shown. The ways for solving this problem are developed. The importance and relevance of solving problems related to meteorological service for headquarters of the Civil Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are emphasized, including the necessity of problem solving due to implementation of automatical data computation for meteorological service, development and installation of high-speed meteorological data processing facilities.
Proposals to improve the collection, processing and analysis of meteorological and upper-air data required for prediction and assessment of radiation and biological (bacteriological) environment in order to protect the population and the troops are presented.

Tags: average wind speed; civil defense (protection); radioactive and chemical contamination; technological accidents


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